Personalized IV Nutrient Therapy
We know everybody is different. That’s why our drips are designed to address your personal wellness needs, so you can get ahead of your health before it catches up to you. We all have different health goals and nutritional needs. Our medical team will help you find and customize the right IV Drip protocol, so you can feel your absolute best.
what we love
Health doesn’t come from eating healthy foods but from the ability to fully digest and absorb their nutrients. Concentrated nutritional IV therapy provides ten times the amount of nutrition then can be absorbed orally, speeds healing and boosts immunity.

Feel the power of natural energy with our IV Super B’s mix. The family of B vitamins is used in just about every chemical reaction in the body, especially when it comes to providing energy, detoxifying the body and mental clarity. Leave feeling refreshed with natural energy burning from within.
member price from 176.

The Nude Glow is your go-to choice for luminous hair, and healthy skin and nails. Include The Nude Glow in your monthly beauty maintenance as your secret weapon to achieve what many refer to as the “Glutathione Glow”.
This universal and all-important molecule is the mother of all antioxidants. Glutathione is known as the body’s “Master Antioxidant” and helps naturally purify you from the inside out.
member price from 232.

Our number one drip for sickness and recovery. The Nude Immunity is perfect for those who need a quick turnaround or boost to their immune defenses. Reduces the intensity and duration of viruses, helps the body’s natural defenses to fight inflammation and infection, and great for a depleted immune system & pre-travel.
member price from 208.
How does it work?BBL deposits pulses of light energy that gently heat the upper layers of skin. Within the skin, the light energy is absorbed by targets, such as fine, broken vessels that cause redness and brown spots or pigmented lesions that are caused by an overproduction of melanin. This scientific and biological process destroys the target, eliminating it from the skin and restoring the complexion’s natural beauty, blending its natural tones and making it more vibrant and youthful.
What is Bespoke BBL®?At Nude our Bespoke BBL® Photofacial is considered the next generation of phototherapy. Flaws and discoloration of the skin can profoundly affect one's self-image. Those looking to achieve smoother, more radiant skin with minimal downtime can greatly benefit from a Bespoke BBL® Photofacial at Nude Medical Aesthetics in Downtown Napa. To regain a youthful appearance, contact your aesthetic provider in Downtown Napa, California, today to learn more about this treatment option. Our Bespoke BBL® Photofacial treatment deposits brief bursts of light energy that gradually warm the epidermis. The laser targets small, damaged blood vessels that create redness and brown spots or pigmented lesions brought on by an excess of melanin-absorbed light energy.
How long will it take to recover?This is a non-invasive and gentle procedure with virtually no downtime. In most cases, you are able to return to work, apply makeup, and resume most of your activities immediately.
How often do I need to get hair removal treatments?Typically, 3-6 treatments will significantly reduce hair in the treated area. However, the exact number will depend on the speed at which your hair grows and the color and thickness of the hair. Your practitioner will provide you with a custom hair removal plan during an initial consultation.
Does a Body by Nude® BBL treatment include other benefits of BBL?Broadband Light (BBL) hair removal treatments provide various benefits to the skin, including reducing unwanted hair and improving the quality of your skin. If your goal is to reduce hair AND improve skin concerns like brown spots, red spots, or acne, we recommend discussing this with a provider who may make recommendations for additional BBL treatments to accomplish your goals.
What does Body by Nude® laser hair removal feel like?Utilizing BBL (broad band light), Body by Nude® is known as one of the most comfortable laser hair removal treatments. During the procedure, the BBL handpiece produces a warming, “prickly” sensation that most patients report as being quite comfortable, even without using a numbing agent. The warmth subsides about an hour after treatment.
What does it mean to have poor scalp health?Even with all the effort we put into our skincare routines, we often forget about the skin under our hair. The scalp is its own environment, or microbiome. When not properly cleansed and nourished, it often struggles with itching, flaking, hair thinning or loss, and sometimes even complete baldness.
Is Keravive an invasive treatment? Does it hurt?No, not at all. Keravive is a noninvasive, relaxing and rejuvenating treatment.
How long does the treatment take?Depending on your personalized treatment experience (partial or full scalp), your Keravive treatment can vary from 30 minutes to 60 minutes.
Is it a one-time treatment?Keravive achieves the best results when you receive a series—usually 3 treatments, spaced a month apart. In between, you use an exclusive take-home spray to boost your benefits.
Does scalp issues affect both men and women?Yes! It’s estimated that 85% of men and 50% of women experience hair loss, thinning, and poor scalp health. Factors that can play a role in this include post-partum stress, hormonal imbalances, chemical damage from hair coloring or other treatments, and build-up from styling products.
Is Keravive designed for all scalp/hair types?The Keravive treatment is designed for all scalp & hair types, including braids, extensions, locks, dyed hair, and more. Your provider or skincare professional may choose a specific type of treatment (partial or full scalp) to support your overall scalp and hair goals.
Can Keravive be paired with other treatments?Yes! Your provider may recommend Keravive to complement other hair restoration or scalp health treatments.
What results can I expect and how soon?You’ll notice improvements in how your scalp and hair feels right away. And in studies, half of people receiving Keravive reported improvement in their hair fullness after just one treatment. For best results, Keravive should be repeated—ideally 3 treatments over 3 months, with daily use of the take-home spray.
Vitamin C (The Nude Immunity)Vitamin C is a potent reducing agent, meaning that it readily donates electrons to recipient molecules. Related to this oxidation-reduction (redox) potential, two major functions of vitamin C are as an antioxidant and as an enzyme cofactor. Vitamin C is the primary water-soluble, non-enzymatic antioxidant in plasma and tissues. Even in small amounts vitamin C can protect indispensable molecules in the body, such as proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), from damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are generated during normal metabolism, by active immune cells, and through exposure to toxins and pollutants (e.g., certain chemotherapy drugs and cigarette smoke). Vitamin C also participates in redox recycling of other important antioxidants; for example, vitamin C is known to regenerate vitamin E from its oxidized form. Vitamin C’s role as a cofactor is also related to its redox potential. By maintaining enzyme-bound metals in their reduced forms, vitamin C assists mixed-function oxidases in the synthesis of several critical biomolecules. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency, such as poor wound healing and lethargy, result from impairment of these enzymatic reactions and insufficient collagen, carnitine, and catecholamine synthesis. Vitamin C affects several components of the human immune system; for example, vitamin C has been shown to stimulate both the production and function of leukocytes (white blood cells), especially neutrophils, lymphocytes, and phagocytes. Specific measures of functions stimulated by vitamin C include cellular motility, chemotaxis, and phagocytosis. Neutrophils, mononuclear phagocytes, and lymphocytes accumulate vitamin C to high concentrations, which can protect these cell types from oxidative damage. In response to invading microorganisms, phagocytic leukocytes release non-specific toxins, such as superoxide radicals, hypochlorous acid ("bleach"), and peroxynitrite; these reactive oxygen species kill pathogens and, in the process, can damage the leukocytes themselves. Vitamin C, through its antioxidant functions, has been shown to protect leukocytes from self-inflicted oxidative damage. Phagocytic leukocytes also produce and release cytokines, including interferons, which have antiviral activity. Vitamin C has been shown to increase interferon levels in vitro.
CalciumCalcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, with 99% residing in bones and teeth. As a component of hard tissues, Calcium fulfills a structural role to maintain body size and act as attachments for musculoskeletal tissues. The remaining 1% of calcium is present in blood and soft tissues. Functions of non-skeletal Calcium include: enzyme activation, blood clotting, cell and cell organelle membrane function (stabilization and transport), nerve impulse transmission, and muscular contraction, tone, and irritability. Calcium levels in the blood are maintained within very strict limits by dietary intake, hormonal regulation, and a rapidly exchangeable pool in bone tissue.
Glutathione (The Nude Glow)Glutathione (GSH) is a small protein molecule composed of 3 amino acids: cysteine, glutamate, and glycine called GSH precursors or building blocks. GSH is produced out of these three precursors in every cell of the human body and performs many important roles, such as: Regulation of cell growth and division - For cells to grow and divide they go through several very complex stages. Glutathione reduces the oxides, such as hydrogen peroxide, inside the cell that would otherwise prevent cell division and growth. DNA synthesis and repair synthesis - Glutathione protects the DNA from oxidative stress during cell division which allows for DNA synthesis (division). When the DNA is mutated by a free radical stealing an electron from the DNA, glutathione repairs the mutated DNA by giving up an electron to the DNA (replacing the DNA’s missing electron). Protein synthesis - Glutathione maintains our proteins in their proper form. Its sulfur atom reacts with unnatural sulfur. Sulfur bonds in proteins, breaking them and allowing the proper pairings to form. Amino acid transport (movement into, out of, within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter). Glutathione is predominately located in the cell, whereas a major fraction of the cellular y-glutamyl transpeptidase (glutathione enzyme) is on the external surface of cell membranes. This means intracellular glutathione is translocated out of many cells – glutathione moves substances, such as amino acids, in and out of the cell. Enzyme catalysis - Glutathione provides the mechanism by which many enzymes are changed (reduced, transformed or changed from one state to another state). Glutathione is the bridge (catalysis) in the chemical reaction between some enzymes. Enzyme activation - The highly reactive sulfide bond in glutathione wakes up or activates enzymes so that they carry out their function or are moved from one phase to the next. Metabolism of toxins (metabolism or biotransformation – breaking down, activating or transforming) - In the liver, the enzyme glutathione S-transferase takes the sulfur from glutathione and attaches it to toxic molecules, this makes the toxin more water soluble (it is diluted in water easily). Once a toxin is water soluble, it is transported to the body's elimination systems and is excreted from the body. Metabolism of carcinogens - Glutathione enzymes transform carcinogens, through chemical reaction, to unreactive and non-genotoxic compounds that can be eliminated without causing damage to the cell or DNA. Metabolism of xenobiotics (xenobiotics - chemical components (drugs and poisons) foreign to the body) - Glutathione interacts with foreign chemicals (primarily, it is a scavenger of harmful xenobiotics that have been oxidized) compounds to neutralize and break them down, then eliminate them from the body. Conjugation to heavy metals (conjugation – joining with and transforming by becoming part of) Glutathione joins with heavy metals to neutralize them and eliminate them from the body. Conjugation to xenobiotics - In some instances, depending on the state of the xenobiotic, Glutathione joins with it instead of metabolizing it. Enhancement of systemic immune function - The immune system works best if the lymphoid cells have properly balanced glutathione. The cloning of T-cells consumes large quantities of cysteine. Macrophages (type of white blood cells), which are only present in sufficient quintiles when there is sufficient Glutathione, provide the cysteine for the T-cell cloning. Glutathione regulates the binding, internalization, degradation and T-cell proliferation by increasing, as much as two times, the number of binding cellular receptors. More receptors equates to more T-cells being produced simultaneously (multiple T-cell cloning). Cellular GSH also affects the growth and replication of T-cells through growth stimulating cytokines. Enhancement of humoral immune function - The role of glutathione in the humoral response is that it protects the cells taking part in the humoral response all along this complex process. A quick synapsis of the humoral immune response: “humoral” means circulating in the bloodstream. This is an immune response (chiefly against bacterial invasion) that is mediated by B cells and involves the transformation of B cells into plasma cells that produce and secrete antibodies to a specific antigen. The process in a nutshell is that macrophages engulf and digest the invading pathogen. The digested pieces activate helper T cells which in turn activate the proliferation of B cells that are programed for the specific invading pathogen. Resistance to UV radiation - Glutathione detoxifies reactive oxygen radicals created by radiation which reduces the damage to the cell. Glutathione also interacts covalently and noncovalently (neutralizes the reactivity in several ways) with parts of the cell that keep the cell from triggering apoptosis (cell death). Decreases radiation damage - The action of glutathione in decreasing the damage from radiation is the same as in resistance to UV radiation above. Decreases free radical damage - The crucial cysteine molecule is the key to the protection afforded by glutathione. Its sulfur atom scavenges destructive molecules (peroxides and free radicals) converting them to harmless compounds, such as water. Decreases oxyradical damage - Glutathione detoxifies reactive oxygen radicals by giving them an electron which effectively neutralizes them, or glutathione joins with the oxyradical which again neutralizes it.
B12 CyanocobalaminVitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that’s crucial for many vital metabolic and hormonal functions — including the production of digestive enzymes and carrying important nutrients into and out of cells. Due to how it helps convert and synthesize many other compounds within the body, it’s needed for well over 100 daily functions. Some of the roles that are attributed to vitamin B12 include: red blood cell production, DNA/RNA synthesis, methylation and producing the coating of the nerves.
MagnesiumMagnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. It plays several important roles in the health of your body and brain. It is a mineral found in the earth, sea, plants, animals, and humans. About 60% of the magnesium in your body is found in bone, while the rest is in muscles, soft tissues, and fluids, including blood. Every cell in your body contains it and needs it to function. One of Magnesium's main roles is acting as a cofactor or helper molecule in the biochemical reactions continuously performed by enzymes. In fact, it's involved in more than 600 reactions in your body.
B-Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)B complex is generally used in Phase I Liver detoxification (cytochrome P450 Enzymes). Typically B vitamins should be given in combination as they work synergistically. The liver plays several roles in detoxification: it filters the blood to remove large toxins, synthesizes and secretes bile full of cholesterol and other fat-soluble toxins, and enzymatically disassembles unwanted chemicals. This enzymatic process usually occurs in two steps referred to as phase I and phase II. Phase I either directly neutralizes a toxin, or modifies the toxic chemical to form activated intermediates which are then neutralized by one of more of the several phase II enzyme systems.
Can you still treat my skin with a MOXI® laser if I have a melasma?Yes, Moxi is an effective laser for the treatment of melasma. Often laser treatments are not used on patients with melasma, as treatments can sometimes worsen the skin and even produce hyperpigmentation as a result.
What is MOXI®MOXI® delivers non-ablative energy below the skin’s surface which creates thousands of micro-channels which simulate collagen for firmer, tighter skin. It also provides fractionated energy which means it targets very small areas, deep into the skin, without harming the outer layers, which promotes new cell growth and reduces unwanted pigment. MOXI® is a non-ablative 1927nm wavelength that targets water within cells to work with the body’s natural healing processes for a gentle treatment with little-to-no downtime.
Before & Afters
Who Is a Good Candidate for the Nude Laser Facial by MOXI®?MOXI is ideal for both younger patients who are just starting to think about long-term skin care and pre-rejuvenation but it is also the ideal treatment for people wanting to revitalize and refresh their skin’s appearance without any downtime. The MOXI laser facial is safe for people with all skin types but as with all lasers, but if you have a darker skin type, your provider will be a bit more cautious with the strength of the treatment.
Who should consider a DermaSensor screening?Anyone concerned about their skin health should consider a DermaSensor screening, especially individuals with: A history of skin cancer or pre-cancerous lesions Suspicious moles or growths A significant amount of sun exposure Five or more sunburns, which double the risk of melanoma
Is DermaSensor safe to use?Yes, DermaSensor is completely safe and non-invasive. It uses light-based technology, meaning no needles, radiation, or harmful procedures are involved.
Does it hurt to use DermaSensor?Not at all! DermaSensor is completely non-invasive and painless. The device gently touches the skin during testing, making it a comfortable experience.
How accurate is DermaSensor?Clinical studies have shown DermaSensor to have a sensitivity rate of over 95% in detecting skin cancer, including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. It has been validated in studies by leading institutions, including the Mayo Clinic.
What is DermaSensor?DermaSensor is a groundbreaking, non-invasive handheld device designed to assist in the detection of skin cancer. Using advanced optical spectroscopy, it analyzes lesions beneath the surface of the skin and provides real-time results, helping practitioners identify potentially cancerous areas quickly and accurately.
How does DermaSensor compare to traditional skin cancer screenings?DermaSensor enhances traditional screenings by providing real-time results and the ability to test deeper layers of the skin. It complements the expertise of practitioners and helps identify lesions that may not be visible to the naked eye.
Do I still need a biopsy?DermaSensor is a screening tool, not a diagnostic device. While it helps flag suspicious lesions for further investigation, a biopsy may still be necessary for a definitive diagnosis if the lesion is deemed concerning.
Can DermaSensor detect all types of skin cancer?Yes, DermaSensor is designed to assist in detecting melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma—the three most common forms of skin cancer.
How does DermaSensor work?DermaSensor uses light-based technology to assess cellular disorganization within the skin—a key indicator of cancer. By analyzing how light interacts with skin tissues, the device provides immediate feedback about whether a lesion requires further evaluation.